Projets:Test RSS

De wikilab
Révision datée du 15 juillet 2024 à 16:30 par Delphine (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « <rss max=4 highlight="community wiki foundation"></rss> »)
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Wikimedia Foundation’s Accreditation to World Intellectual Property Organization Blocked for a Fourth Time by China
Yesterday, the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that hosts and supports Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, was again denied accreditation as a permanent observer to the World Intellectual Pro…
Wikimedia Foundation 2024-07-11 17:46:40
Wikimedia Foundation statement on volunteer processes on reliable sources
There has been recent media coverage regarding a decision by Wikipedia's volunteer community on the reliability of the Anti-Defamation League as an encyclopedic source in specific subject areas.…
Wikimedia Foundation 2024-06-26 20:00:00
The Wikimedia Endowment welcomes Mayree Clark as its newest Board member 
The Wikimedia Endowment is delighted to welcome Mayree Clark as a new member of its Endowment Board. Mayree, a finance expert, will bring her extensive governance expertise to the Wikimedia Endowment…
Wikimedia Foundation 2024-05-10 00:00:00
Carta aberta para proteger a Wikipédia e outros projetos de interesse público no Pacto Digital Global
Uma nova carta aberta da Fundação Wikimedia, a organização sem fins lucrativos que opera a Wikipédia e outros projetos Wikimedia, e afiliadas do Movimento Wikimedia ao redor do mundo, apela aos Estad…
Wikimedia 2024-04-24 22:03:16